Well I hope that everyone's New Year started out as mine!!!!
I slept thru it!!!! LOL
But got some FANTASTIC NEWS!!!!!!
This Is my oldest son Derrick & now Fiance Melissa[Missy]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a awesome way to start off the New Year!
He called me this morning from work & told me but I haven't talked to her yet since she's working today too!!!!
Well that's it for now!!!!!!
Happy New Year! Congrats to your son!!
BIG CONGRATS to the LOVELY couple!! and to you, soon a DIL!!! GREAT way to start the new year!! HAPPIEST NEW YEAR to you, Sharon!!! HUGSSSS! :D
Congrats to your son!!! And congrats to you on your new daughter! WOW! What a fantastic suprise :))
I can´t believe that you slept through new year LOL, Sharon, you make me laugh!
But than - maybe this is a sign that this new year will give you many peace and rest :)
I wish this for you!
Happy New year to you!!! HUGS!!! OHHH what fantastic news!! Awesome! I can't imagine my boys getting married.. NOR do I want to LOL :) Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment and Making me less stressed :) I appreciate it so much :) HUGE HUGS TO YOU!! :) Thank you for the compliments too :)
"...Find a man who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the man who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup as with. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you.... The one who turns to his friends and says, 'that's her..." I just know with a mom as beautiful as you..this is what she has found..great news...congratulations...
thank you for stopping by..I am just dealing with some pain and kidney issues..since christmas eve..that wont let up..have to see the nurse tomorrow..so hopefully it will help..sammy is doing great..he had a happy christmas..but he is a great child..and never complains..about anything..bless him..
take care..and great news...hugs, Joanne
Hi Sharon!!!!
I pulled my nose out of PS to come say HELLO my friend and to wish you a VERY Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year in 2008!!! I am rather weak from this "throat thing", which has gone to my lungs and I just can't seem to get much done in a day! He, he ... and this too soon shall pass!
WOO HOO!!! CONGRATS to Derrick and Missy and MAMA!!! What a BEAUTIFUL couple they are and HOW exciting!!! Looks like you and I both have upcoming weddings to prepare for! Joan and Travis are getting married in July so that gives me six months to get my act together!!! ROFL!
I SO appreciate your BUBBLY presence on my blog each day and you put a BIG smile on my face!
You, my friend, are CONTAGIOUS!!!
Have a GLORIOUS tomorrow and I'll see you later!
What fantastic news!! Happy New Year to you all for 2008!
Hi Sharon ~
I see that you like my freebies on my blog. Tell me, are you interested in making layouts with my designs? As a CT member, I mean?
Send me an email if you are, and I'll send you the requirements, ok?
I'm not hard on my CT's ~ LOL!
PS: I'm sending out a CT Call next week, but thought I'd ask you personally first.
Hiya Scracat
WOW! What great news! Congrats to your son and you! Thats is so wonderful! They make a beautiful couple! Very good looking son you have! I know I was ecstatic when my son got engaged..although I was a wee bit sadden..over the fact that he was old enough to do so, making me (gulp) older than I care to think about!...lol
Its always nice to hear good news!
I came by to say Thanks for stopping by and leaving your lovely comments..but I caught up in your good news!
Best of Luck!
Hi Sharon,
I just stopped by to say HI and see if there are any news from you :)
I wish you a great evening :)
Hello Sharon and belayed Happy New Year :) Congratulations to your son and your soon to be daughter in law, what an exciting way to start into the year!
Elisa :)
Thank you for the visit to my blog.
His opinion was very important.
His blog is very beautiful.
I see you missed week 1 of winter walk....find my email in my TOU and email me....I'll upload my portion of it again for you....
Hi Sharon,
only wanted to give you a {{{BIG HUG}}} for all your nice comments! I love to read you :))
Have a wonderful weekend,
Hey Sharon-
PLEASE PLEASE won't you send me a mail- kbroedelet(at)telkomsa(dot)net - you know how to do it- wahahaha
Want to send you something and can't find your e-mail addy-
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